D’argent à une aigle de gueules, au vol abaissé, membrée, becquée et couronnée d’or, empiétant une montagne de trois coupeaux de sable issant d’une mer d’azur mouvant de la pointe et ondée d’argent.

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 You are here: Home > MIDI music! > Popular songs > lyrics L’Argen (Money). Saturday April 20th 2024, Saint Odette. 

Nissart lyrics and music by François Guisol. Traditional from County of Nice.

1st verse
Aves bèu vous ruminà
Cercà de faïre fortuna,
Sabes que non es comuna
Couma de si rouïna.
 Whatever you chew over
To seek after making your fortune,
You know that [nothing] is [more] common
As bankrupting oneself.

L’argen, l’argen,
Quaqu’àu poble
Sigue noble,
L’argen, l’argen
Non fa pa la brava gen.
 Money, money,
Although to people
It seems noble,
Money, money
Doesn’t make decent people.

2nd verse
Vòu mai quatre o cinq sòu pist
Basta que libramen passon,
E que désonour non fasson,
Que d’escut nòu mal aquist.
 Better are four or five worn pennies
Let’s hope freely they circulate,
And dishonour they don’t do,
Than new crowns badly acquired.

3rd verse
Quan meme vous metes su
Touti li nouveli moda,
La fortuna es una roda,
Roula de faquin moussù.
 Even though you went to
All the new fashions,
Fortune is a wheel,
It cons wretch (1) gentlemen.

4th verse
Ben souven vou fa tomba
Dòu moumen qu’ela vou monta,
E v’abandouna plen d’onta
A plus vou sàupre acibà.
 Very often it makes you fall
As it is wanting to go up,
And abandons you to your great shame
No longer knowing how to cope.

5th verse
Per un moumen de bouonur,
Non cresès pa toujou d’estre
Urous bourgiois, o gran mestre,
De nen menà rede e dur !
 For a moment of happiness,
Don’t believe you will always be
Fortunate middle-class person, or great master,
To lead us rigidly and harshly!

1. Faquin: contemptible, despicable, and impertinent or cheeky man.

• revue Armanac niçart, Nice, 1903, p. 114.


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traditional musics county Nice, fife

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  Web site by jean gabriel maurandi, creation sites internet of music  
 L’Argen (Money)  This website respects the copyright. Proposed titles are now out of copyright. Their realization is by means of scheduling in MIDI files and not by means of orignal music; they are not performed nor produced by the artists. Copyright of the works still protected, reproduced on this website with permission of their composer, is reserved. Except authorization, any use of the totality of the multimedia material handed over on the “MTCN” website other than individual and private reproduction and consultation is forbidden.
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