D’argent à une aigle de gueules, au vol abaissé, membrée, becquée et couronnée d’or, empiétant une montagne de trois coupeaux de sable issant d’une mer d’azur mouvant de la pointe et ondée d’argent.

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La Pastressa et lou Granadié dins A lou fifre nissart - Li tradicioun musicali de la countéa de Nissa (MTCN)
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 You are here: Home > MIDI music! > Racy lovesongs > lyrics La Pastressa et lou Granadié (The Shepherdess and the Grenadier). Saturday April 20th 2024, Saint Odette. 

La Pastressa et lou Granadié listen the Midi file for this traditional music tune score of this traditional tune
(The Shepherdess and the Grenadier)
Traditional song from val d’Entraunes, County of Nice.

This pastourelle was collected in the Entraunes Valley by Gustave Adolphe Mossa.

1st verse
Lou granadié
     Bonjour, charmante bocagère,
     J’arrive ici dans ce beau jour
     Je viens te parler de la guerre,
     De l’amitié et de l’amour.
     Je viens pour essuyer tes larmes
     Et pour te dire en vive voix
     Que ton amant quitte les armes (twice)
     Pour revenir auprès de toi. (twice)
 The grenadier
     Hello, sweet bocage (1) girl,
     I arrive here by this beautiful day
     I’m coming to speak about the war,
     Friendship and love.
     I’m coming to wipe your tears
     And to say you in person
     That your lover leaves soldiering (twice)
     To come back close to you. (twice)

2nd verse
La pastressa
     Mi dias que sias moun calignaire
     Ma ièu aco m’au cresi pas.
     Mi fés l’efet d’un gros charaire,
     Venés aici pèr m’enganar.
     N’aves un pòu tròu de babiha,
     Sias alumà coum’an gavèu.
     Vous noun sias qu’un troumpur de fiha, (twice)
     Poussa vou’n là e courrés léu ! (twice)
 The shepherdess
     You tell me that your are my lover
     But, me, I don’t believe that.
     You strike me as being a glib talker,
     You come here to abuse me.
     You have a bit too much chatter,
     You are lighted as a dry vine shoot.
     You are only a girl deceiver, (twice)
     Go away from here and run quickly! (twice)

3rd verse
Lou granadié
     Belle, ne sois pas si sévère,
     Écoute la voix d’un amant,
     D’un ami sûr et bien sincère
     Qui te donna ses sentiments.
     Te souviens-t-il pas, ma petite,
     À l’ombre de ces trois ormeaux
     Des serments échangés par suite (twice)
     En présence de nos troupeaux ? (twice)
 The grenadier
     Belle, don’t be so severe,
     Listen the voice of a lover,
     A reliable friend and sincere
     Who gave you his feelings.
     Don’t you remember, my little [girl],
     In the shade of these three young elms
     Of the pledges exchanged therefore, (twice)
     In the presence of our herds? (twice)

4th verse
La pastressa
     A’ra coumenci à mi creire
     Car cenque dies es bèn verai.
     Sabi que venguerias mi veire
     Li a agut set ans, au mes de Mai,
     D’aqui parterias pèr l’armada,
     Mi laisserias un bèu presènt.
     A’ra siéu touta counsoulada, (twice)
     Esplica-vous e farès bén. (twice)
 The shepherdess
     Now I begin to believe you
     Because what you say is true.
     I (knew) that you would come and see me
     There was seven years, on month of May,
     From here you would go to army,
     You would leave me a beautiful gift.
     Now I’m consoled, (twice)
     Let explain and do it well. (twice)

5th verse
Lou granadié
     Écoute, douce Nathalie,
     Je dirai tout d’un cœur loyal.
     J’ai fait la guerre en Italie,
     En Allemagne, en Portugal.
     Regarde, ma chère petite,
     Voici le prix de mon espoir,
     C’est avec la croix du mérite (twice)
     Que je reviens enfin te voir. (twice)
 The grenadier
     Listen, sweet Nathalie,
     I’ll all say with a loyal heart.
     I was in the war in Italy,
     In Germany, in Portugal.
     Look, my dear little,
     Here is the price of my hope,
     It’s with the medal of merit (twice)
     That I finally come back to see you. (twice)

6th verse
La pastressa
     Sabias qu’un pòu jugà dòu fifre
     Quant n’avés quità lou pahis.
     Ancuei mi parlas coum’un libre,
     Avés donc’après à liegi ?
     Siéu counténta, siéu soudisfacha,
     Moun téndre couor n’es encantà,
     N’ai plus pour de vouostra moustacha, (twice)
     Vous permeti de m’embrassà. (twice)
 The shepherdess
     You knew to play fife just a little
     When you left the country.
     Today you speak to me as a book,
     So, you learn reading?
     I’m happy, I’m satisfied,
     My tender heart is delighted,
     I’m no more frightened of your moustache, (twice)
     I permit you to kiss me. (twice)

7th verse
     Allons partons, prenons la route,
     Nous irons voir tous nos parents.
     Ils seront bien surpris, sans doute,
     De nous voir ensemble à présent.
     Ils diront : « Tiens ! Voilà Thalie,
     Femme d’un vaillant guerrier. »
     Et nous serons, ô ma jolie, (twice)
     Tous deux à jamais réunis. (twice)
     So let’s go, let’s get under way,
     We will go and see all of our parents.
     They will be surprised, most likely,
     To see us together now.
     They will say: “Look! Here is Thalie,
     Wife of a valiant warrior.”
     And we will be, o my pretty, (twice)
     Two of us for ever gathered. (twice)

1. Farmland criss-crossed by hedges and trees.

• Delrieu (Georges), Anthologie de la chanson niçoise (Anthology of the Song from Nice), Nice, publisher Delrieu & Co, 1960, p. 42-43.


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traditional musics county Nice, fife

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  Web site by jean gabriel maurandi, creation sites internet of music  
 La Pastressa et lou Granadié (The Shepherdess and the Grenadier)  This website respects the copyright. Proposed titles are now out of copyright. Their realization is by means of scheduling in MIDI files and not by means of orignal music; they are not performed nor produced by the artists. Copyright of the works still protected, reproduced on this website with permission of their composer, is reserved. Except authorization, any use of the totality of the multimedia material handed over on the “MTCN” website other than individual and private reproduction and consultation is forbidden.
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