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lyrics Lou Tavan merdassié - Traditional song from County of Nice

D’argent à une aigle de gueules, au vol abaissé, membrée, becquée et couronnée d’or, empiétant une montagne de trois coupeaux de sable issant d’une mer d’azur mouvant de la pointe et ondée d’argent.

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 You are here: Home > MIDI music! > Saucy songs > lyrics Lou Tavan merdassié. Tuesday April 1st 2025, Saint Hugues. 

Lou Tavan merdassié listen the Midi file for this traditional music tune score of this traditional tune
traditional song, collected by Jouan Nicola. Traditional from County of Nice.

1st verse
Coura passas (1) de darrie d’una jarra
Touti li mousca vous van dessus
E preparas un bariéu de moustarda
E preparas un mouloun de quitran.
Preparas pas gaire,
Preparas per fouorça,
Preparas pas gaire,
Preparas tou plèn.

Car veici l’oura de si fà manjà dai mousca.
Coumpagnoun veici lou tavan.
L’entendez-vous ? (twice)
Oui je l’entends. (twice)
Es lou tavan merdassié.

2nd verse
Lu tavan an declara la guerra
A touti li mousca dòu quartié
E s’aude en touti li carrièra
Lou zounzoun dòu tavan merdassié.
S’avès pòu dòu tavan,
Mette-vous li botta.
En touti li maioun
Li a de babarotta.

3rd verse
En cridèn : « Viva la Republica
E lou bouon vin, lou vin de Falicoun »
Lou tavan e touta la sièu clica
Soun ana si negà en Païoun.
Denedou pas gaire,
Denedou per fouorça,
Si bagnon pas gaire,
Si bagnon tou plèn.

1. Here, it can be sung : cantas, cagas or an other verb.

• Delrieu (Georges), Anthologie de la chanson niçoise (Anthology of the Song from Nice), Nice, publisher Delrieu & Co, 1960, supplement “Cansoun bruti”.


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© 2001-2025 Jean-Gabriel Maurandi.

traditional musics county Nice, fife

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  Web site by jean gabriel maurandi, creation sites internet of music  
 Lou Tavan merdassié  This website respects the copyright. Proposed titles are now out of copyright. Their realization is by means of scheduling in MIDI files and not by means of orignal music; they are not performed nor produced by the artists. Copyright of the works still protected, reproduced on this website with permission of their composer, is reserved. Except authorization, any use of the totality of the multimedia material handed over on the “MTCN” website other than individual and private reproduction and consultation is forbidden.
No animals were harmed during design of this web site. However, I did eat meat several times for lunch.