D’argent à une aigle de gueules, au vol abaissé, membrée, becquée et couronnée d’or, empiétant une montagne de trois coupeaux de sable issant d’une mer d’azur mouvant de la pointe et ondée d’argent.

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 You are here: Home > MIDI music! > The Provence > lyrics Mazurka souto li pins (Mazurka under the pine trees). Friday April 19th 2024, Saint Alphege. 

Mazurka souto li pins listen the Midi file for this traditional music tune score of this traditional tune
(Mazurka under the pine trees)
Lyrics by Charles Rieu, known as Charloun Rieu (1er novembre 1846 - 9 janvier 1924), music according to La Petite Voisine (The Little Neighbouring Girl), a tune in fashion at the ending 19th century..
Traditional from Provence.

This song describes a popular party at the mas (house or farm in Provence) of Escanin, property of the Ratyé family, located near the Paradou village at the Baux-de-Provence piedmont, where Charloun Rieu sometimes worked as a day labourer.

Venès, que l’ouro s’avanço,
Es fèsto au mas d’Escanin.
La mazurka, gènto danso,
La faren souto li pins. (twice)
 Let come, the time is going,
It’s [the] party at the mas of Escanin.
The mazurka, graceful dance,
We will do beneath the pine trees. (twice)

1st verse
Galanti chatouno,
Amourous jouvènt,
La roso boutono,
Ansi nous counvèn.
Aujourd’uei qu’es fèsto,
Anen la culi,
Qu’en danso moudèsto
Devèn trefouli.
 Charming young girls,
Young men in love,
The rose is rosebuding,
Thus (this) suits us.
Today (that) is party,
Let’s go and pick it up,
By a modest (well-behaved) dance
We have to thrill of joy.

2nd verse
Lou bèu musicaire
Ben estigança,
Fau que tarde gaire,
Déuriè coumença.
Devers lis Aupiho,
Vès lou tambourin,
Aco nous reviho
E nous met en trin.
 The handsome musician
Must not be very long now,
He should begin.
Over by the Alpilles (1),
Let see the tambourin,
This wakes us up
And puts us in good spirits.

3rd verse
Coulourido o palo,
Dins l’èr perfuma,
Lis man sus l’espalo,
Quau pòu nous bleima ?
Dansant en mesuro,
Lis iue di parènt,
Souto la verduro,
Res nous dira rèn.
 Ruddy or pale,
Through the fragrant air,
The hands on the shoulders,
Who can reprimand us?
While dancing in tempo,
[Under] the eyes of the parents,
Beneath the greenery,
Nobody will say us anything.

4th verse
La font de l’Arcoulo
Que coul’ à grand rai,
L’auro ié ventoulo
Li pib’ e li frais ;
Au riéu que clarejo
En coulour d’argènt,
Ges d’àutris enjevo
Que bèur’ au sourgènt.
 The spring of Arcoule
Flowing freely,
The breeze fans there
The poplars and the ash trees;
At the brook glistening
In shade of silver,
No other desire
Than drink at the source.

5th verse
Oh ! que saren bello,
Dins lou fres valoun,
Largant li trenello
De nòsti péu blond
En floutant à rèire.
Li jouvènt, alor,
Éli creiran vèire
De garbello d’or.
 Oh! How beautiful we will be,
In the fresh small valley,
While releasing (letting down) the plaits
Of our fair hair
Streaming backwards.
The young [men], then,
They will think seeing
Gold sprays.

6th verse
La danso finido,
Vendren à parèu
Dedins la bastido,
Souto lou castèu.
En rejouissènço,
Bèuren lou muscat
Pèr la souvenènço
De la mazurka.
 The dance completed,
We will come by couples
In the country house,
Under the castle.
In rejoicing,
We will drink the muscat
For the memory
Of the mazurka.

1. The Little Alps.

• L’Armana prouvençau (The Almanac from Provence), 1894.
• Li Cant dóu terraire (The Songs of the Country), 1897.

• La Belugada, Cants de Provensa e dòu païs Nissart, volume 2.


See also The movies.

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traditional musics county Nice, fife

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 Mazurka souto li pins (Mazurka under the pine trees)  This website respects the copyright. Proposed titles are now out of copyright. Their realization is by means of scheduling in MIDI files and not by means of orignal music; they are not performed nor produced by the artists. Copyright of the works still protected, reproduced on this website with permission of their composer, is reserved. Except authorization, any use of the totality of the multimedia material handed over on the “MTCN” website other than individual and private reproduction and consultation is forbidden.
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