D’argent à une aigle de gueules, au vol abaissé, membrée, becquée et couronnée d’or, empiétant une montagne de trois coupeaux de sable issant d’une mer d’azur mouvant de la pointe et ondée d’argent.

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 You are here: Home > MIDI music! > Political, social and satirical songs > lyrics Renaissance de Roquebillière (Rebirth of Roquebillière). Thursday April 25th 2024, Saint Mark the Evangelist. 

Renaissance de Roquebillière listen the Midi file for this traditional music tune score of this traditional tune
(Rebirth of Roquebillière)
Lyrics and music by Célestin Débos. Traditional from County of Nice.

On november 24th 1926, a landslide destroys a great part of the Roquebillière village, claiming 19 casualties, never extricated. Dedicated to Philippe Corniglion-Molinier, departmental councillor from the canton, and written at the time of the new village rebuilding in The Cros area, this text pays homage to the fit of local, then departmental and at last national solidarity.

Roquebillière à l’agonie
Sur les bords de la Vésubie
Ne vivra plus que quelque temps.
Par le zèle et le dévouement
Des élus qu’un même amour lie,
Elle ira vivre une autre vie
Là-bas au beau quartier du Cros
Puisqu’il lui reste encore les os.
 Roquebillière close to death
On the side of the Vésubie
Will survive only for a few time.
By zeal and devotion
From the town councillors a same love ties,
It will go and live an other life
Over there in The Cros beautiful area
Since the bones still remain to it.

1st verse
Après l’horrible catastrophe
De mille neuf cent vingt et six,
Roquebillière en philosophe
Sous le poids des plus noirs soucis
Fit confiance à ses amis.
Sans gémir et sans trop se plaindre
Elle attendit l’aube du jour
Dont les éléments faisaient craindre
Une fin hélas sans retour.
 After the horrible disaster
During nineteen twenty-six,
Roquebillière, as a philosopher,
Weighed down by the blackest worries
Trusted its friends.
Without groan and without complain too much
It waited dawn of the day
Of which the elements made fearing
An end unfortunately for ever.

2nd verse
Cette aube commence à paraître,
Déjà, dans la pâle clarté
Du grand jour qui va bientôt naître,
On voit pour la localité
Une ère de prospérité.
Pour lui maintenir l’importance
Qu’elle occupa dans le canton
Et l’ardeur de sa renaissance,
Deux ponts sont en construction.
 This dawn begins appearing,
Already, in the weak brightness
Of the great day going to arise soon,
It is seen for the village
An era of prosperity.
To keep it the importance
It occupied in the district
And the fervour of its rebirth,
Two bridges are being constructed.

3rd verse
À l’appel de l’aimable maire,
Chaque municipalité
Répondit à Roquebillière
Par une générosité
Pleine de cordialité.
Grâce à l’État qui nous gouverne
Ainsi qu’aux gracieux concours
Nous aurons un pays moderne
Et des hôtels aux alentours.
 In answer to the kind mayor call,
Each town council
Replied to Roquebillière
By a generosity
Full of cordiality.
Thanks to the State who governs us
As well as the gratuitous help
We will have a modern country
And hotels in the surroundings.

4th verse
Quand elle sera bien assise
Sur son nouvel emplacement,
Comme une charmante marquise
Les artistes et les savants
La salueront profondément,
Les touristes en leurs voyages
Y feront un petit arrêt
Pour admirer les grands ouvrages
Et tous s’en iront à regret.
 When it will be well seated
On its new place,
As a charming marchioness
Artists and scientists
Will low salute it,
Tourists during their travels
Will make a little stop
To admire the great structures
And everyone will go with regret.

Natural disaster on november 24th 1926 in Roquebilliere. Landslide of the mountain, entry of the village buried beneath the huge mudslide.

Natural disaster on november 24th 1926 in Roquebilliere. Landslide of the mountain, entry of the village buried beneath the huge mudslide.

• revue Lou Sourgentin, Nice, n° 173, 2006, p. 39.


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 Renaissance de Roquebillière (Rebirth of Roquebillière)  This website respects the copyright. Proposed titles are now out of copyright. Their realization is by means of scheduling in MIDI files and not by means of orignal music; they are not performed nor produced by the artists. Copyright of the works still protected, reproduced on this website with permission of their composer, is reserved. Except authorization, any use of the totality of the multimedia material handed over on the “MTCN” website other than individual and private reproduction and consultation is forbidden.
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