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About fife from Nice - Traditional close couple dances (mazurka, polka, scottish, waltz) from County of Nice

D’argent à une aigle de gueules, au vol abaissé, membrée, becquée et couronnée d’or, empiétant une montagne de trois coupeaux de sable issant d’une mer d’azur mouvant de la pointe et ondée d’argent.

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listen the Midi file for this traditional music tune score of this traditional tune
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Music glossary
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About fife from Nice - The musical traditions from County of Nice (MTCN)Traditional music from County of Nice (France)
Traditional close couple dances (mazurka, polka, scottish, waltz) from County of Nice dins A lou fifre nissart - Li tradicioun musicali de la countéa de Nissa (MTCN)
Traditional close couple dances (mazurka, polka, scottish, waltz) from County of Nice dans Au fifre niçois - Les traditions musicales du comté de Nice (MTCN)
 You are here: Home > MIDI music! > Close couple dances. Monday March 31st 2025, Saint Benjamin. 

The musical traditions from County of Nice: Music introduction - Cross-over
Popular songs - Animal songs - Racy lovesongs - Work songs
Political, social and satirical songs - Contemporary songs
Carnival tunes - Circumstance tunes - Close couple dances - Characters dances - Farandole - Feasts - Round dances of May
Music for children
Chimes & knells - Sacred & religious music - Christmas carols from County of Nice - Sanctuaries

Brief survey of the traditional musics from the South of France: The Occitany - Limoux’ carnival tunes
The Piedmont - The Provence - Christmas carols from Provence

Other countries

traditional musics county Nice, fife

Legend (click icons, on the left side of tunes title, to access to corresponding files):
 listen the Midi file for this fife & drum traditional music tune“fife & drums” MIDI file (a)(b). listen the Midi file for this brass band traditional music tune“brass band” MIDI file (a)(b). listen the Midi file for this traditional music tune“other instruments” MIDI file (a)(b).                         
score of this traditional tunescore: PDF file (a)(b).Lyrics for this traditional folksonglyrics.
You may download MIDI and scores files as a whole from the Download page.
(a)Without any further observation, arrangements and harmonizations by J.-G. Maurandi.
(b) These files and their content are © 2001-2025 Jean-Gabriel Maurandi.
Close couple dances

1. The mazurka
2. The polka
3. The scottish dance
4. The waltz

Stock of traditional tunes

The mazurka.
Aqui comando ío (Here, I do command).
listen the Midi file for this fife & drum traditional music tune score of this traditional tune Masurca (Mazurka). Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
Masurca (Mazurka), folk heritage from Languedoc.
Masurca de Nima (Mazurka from Nîmes), folk heritage from Languedoc and Catalonia.
Masurca dóu mount Lozere (Mazurka for the mount Lozère), folk heritage from Languedoc.
Masurca souta l’oulivié (Mazurka under the olive tree).
Masurca souto li pins (Mazurka under the pine trees).
Mazurca della nonna (Mazurka of the nun). Traditional from Italy.

The polka.

listen the Midi file for this fife & drum traditional music tune score of this traditional tune Poulkà (Polka). Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
listen the Midi file for this fife & drum traditional music tune score of this traditional tune Poulkà (Polka), according to L'Elisir d'amore (The Elixir of love) by Gaetano Donizetti. Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
listen the Midi file for this fife & drum traditional music tune score of this traditional tune Poulkà de Rocabiera (Polka from Roquebillière). Traditional tune from Roquebillière, County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.

The scottish dance.

listen the Midi file for this fife & drum traditional music tune score of this traditional tune La Badoise, ending dance for the village fêtes in Puget-Théniers. Traditional tune from Puget-Théniers, County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
Escoticha (Scottish Dance), folk heritage from Occitany.
Li Jòia (The Jewels).

The waltz.
Lou Bal dòu Plan (The Dance of Le Plan-de-Contes).
La Bella Bouquetiera (The Pretty Flower Girl).
Bionda, bella bionda (Blonde, Pretty Blonde).
listen the Midi file for this fife & drum traditional music tune score of this traditional tune Dédé d’Montmartre (Andrew from Montmartre). Montmartre is a district of Paris. This famous waltz (from the movie Dédé la Musique, music by Roger Dumas, lyrics Gaston Montho) come into the folk heritage of the County of Nice. See also Cross-over. Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
Flou de Nissa (Flower of Nice).
La Luerna (The Firefly).
Nissa la bella (Nice the Fair).
La Pastoura (The Shepherdess).
Lou Roumaniéu (The Rosemary).
Vals finala, ending waltz from A stacada d’Brèi.

Legend (click icons, on the left side of tunes title, to access to corresponding files):
 listen the Midi file for this fife & drum traditional music tune“fife & drums” MIDI file (a)(b). listen the Midi file for this brass band traditional music tune“brass band” MIDI file (a)(b). listen the Midi file for this traditional music tune“other instruments” MIDI file (a)(b).                         
score of this traditional tunescore: PDF file (a)(b).Lyrics for this traditional folksonglyrics.
You may download MIDI and scores files as a whole from the Download page.
(a)Without any further observation, arrangements and harmonizations by J.-G. Maurandi.
(b) These files and their content are © 2001-2025 Jean-Gabriel Maurandi.

© 2001-2025 Jean-Gabriel Maurandi.

The musical traditions from County of Nice: Music introduction - Cross-over
Popular songs - Animal songs - Racy lovesongs - Work songs
Political, social and satirical songs - Contemporary songs
Carnival tunes - Circumstance tunes - Close couple dances - Characters dances - Farandole - Feasts - Round dances of May
Music for children
Chimes & knells - Sacred & religious music - Christmas carols from County of Nice - Sanctuaries

Brief survey of the traditional musics from the South of France: The Occitany - Limoux’ carnival tunes
The Piedmont - The Provence - Christmas carols from Provence

Other countries

traditional musics county Nice, fife

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Traditional close couple dances (mazurka, polka, scottish, waltz) from County of Nice

  Web site by jean gabriel maurandi, creation sites internet of music  
 Traditional close couple dances (mazurka, polka, scottish, waltz) from County of Nice  This website respects the copyright. Proposed titles are now out of copyright. Their realization is by means of scheduling in MIDI files and not by means of orignal music; they are not performed nor produced by the artists. Copyright of the works still protected, reproduced on this website with permission of their composer, is reserved. Except authorization, any use of the totality of the multimedia material handed over on the “MTCN” website other than individual and private reproduction and consultation is forbidden.
No animals were harmed during design of this web site. However, I did eat meat several times for lunch.