The musical traditions from County of Nice: Music introduction - Cross-over Popular songs - Animal songs - Racy lovesongs - Work songs Political, social and satirical songs - Contemporary songs Carnival tunes - Circumstance tunes - Close couple dances - Characters dances - Farandole - Feasts - Round dances of May Music for children Chimes & knells - Sacred & religious music - Christmas carols from County of Nice - Sanctuaries
Brief survey of the traditional musics from the South of France: The Occitany - Limoux’ carnival tunes The Piedmont - The Provence - Christmas carols from Provence
Other countries

Legend (click icons, on the left side of tunes title, to access to corresponding files): | |  | “fife & drums” MIDI file (a)(b). | |  | “brass band” MIDI file (a)(b). | |  | “other instruments” MIDI file (a)(b). | | |  | score: PDF file (a)(b). | |  | lyrics. | | | | | You may download MIDI and scores files as a whole from the Download page. (a)Without any further observation, arrangements and harmonizations by J.-G. Maurandi. (b) These files and their content are © 2001-2025 Jean-Gabriel Maurandi. |
1. The animals... 2. ... and their wedding
The traditional songs displayed on this page have been –for the most part of them– composed and published in 19th century or early 20th century. Some songs created after 1960 (a) are presented on the page Contemporary songs.
(a) This year corresponds to the publishing by Georges Delrieu of his Anthologie de la chanson niçoise.
The domestic (beast of burden) or wild animals, the parasites... are often personified in traditional songs.
La Bouscarla (The Warbler). Here, it is the allegory of the freedom.
Nissart lyrics by Joseph Passeron, music by F. Mattei and Joseph Passeron.
Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
La Cansoun dai babarota (Song of the cockroaches).
Lyrics by Jouan Nicola and Henri Tornier, music by : traditional from Mexico.
Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
Lou Cant dei ousseloun (The Song of the Little Birds).
Nissart lyrics by Joseph Passeron, music by F. Mattei and Joseph Passeron.
Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
La Cigala (The Cicada).
Nissart lyrics and music by Louis Genari.
Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
Lu Doui Ae (The Two Donkeys).
Nissart lyrics and music by Louis Genari.
Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
La Fourmiga sus l’espiga (The Ant on the Ear).
Nissart lyrics by Joseph Passeron, music by F. Mattei and Joseph Passeron.
Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
Lou Gari (The Rat). A variation inspired by Pierre Mac Orlan, according to the tune Taxi-Girl.
Nissart lyrics by Élisabeth Bondanelli, music by V. Marceau.
Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
La Luerna (The Firefly). As does Icarus, it will know a tragical destiny...
Nissart lyrics and music by Gustav Adolf Mossa.
Traditional waltz from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
Lou Miéu Ae (My Donkey).
Nissart lyrics by Jouan Nicola.
Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
Paure de merlou miou ! (Poor blackbird me!)
Lou Roussignòu (The Nightingale).
Nissart lyrics by Jouan Nicola, music by Marius Ausello.
Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
Lu Tavan (The Horseflies).
Nissart lyrics and music by Louis Genari.
Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
And the wedding of these animals...
Griloulin (Little Cricket). The wedding of the little cricket and the ant.
Traditional song from Breil-sur-Roya, County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
Lou Mariage de la fourmiga (The Wedding of the Ant).
Nissart lyrics by Joseph Passeron, music by F. Mattei and Joseph Passeron.
Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
Parpaioun, maride-ti ! (Butterfly, marry yourself!) A recipe to easily furnish one’s house...
Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
Other traditional songs allude to animals, but they are just pretext to different topics. This applies for instance to:
La Catarineta (The Ladybird).
Lou roussignòu que vola (The Flying Nightingale).
Legend (click icons, on the left side of tunes title, to access to corresponding files): | |  | “fife & drums” MIDI file (a)(b). | |  | “brass band” MIDI file (a)(b). | |  | “other instruments” MIDI file (a)(b). | | |  | score: PDF file (a)(b). | |  | lyrics. | | | | | You may download MIDI and scores files as a whole from the Download page. (a)Without any further observation, arrangements and harmonizations by J.-G. Maurandi. (b) These files and their content are © 2001-2025 Jean-Gabriel Maurandi. |
© 2001-2025 Jean-Gabriel Maurandi.
The musical traditions from County of Nice: Music introduction - Cross-over Popular songs - Animal songs - Racy lovesongs - Work songs Political, social and satirical songs - Contemporary songs Carnival tunes - Circumstance tunes - Close couple dances - Characters dances - Farandole - Feasts - Round dances of May Music for children Chimes & knells - Sacred & religious music - Christmas carols from County of Nice - Sanctuaries
Brief survey of the traditional musics from the South of France: The Occitany - Limoux’ carnival tunes The Piedmont - The Provence - Christmas carols from Provence
Other countries
