The musical traditions from County of Nice: Music introduction - Cross-over Popular songs - Animal songs - Racy lovesongs - Work songs Political, social and satirical songs - Contemporary songs Carnival tunes - Circumstance tunes - Close couple dances - Characters dances - Farandole - Feasts - Round dances of May Music for children Chimes & knells - Sacred & religious music - Christmas carols from County of Nice - Sanctuaries
Brief survey of the traditional musics from the South of France: The Occitany - Limoux’ carnival tunes The Piedmont - The Provence - Christmas carols from Provence
Other countries

Legend (click icons, on the left side of tunes title, to access to corresponding files): | |  | “fife & drums” MIDI file (a)(b). | |  | “brass band” MIDI file (a)(b). | |  | “other instruments” MIDI file (a)(b). | | |  | score: PDF file (a)(b). | |  | lyrics. | | | | | You may download MIDI and scores files as a whole from the Download page. (a)Without any further observation, arrangements and harmonizations by J.-G. Maurandi. (b) These files and their content are © 2001-2025 Jean-Gabriel Maurandi. |
1. The traditional lullabies 2. The traditional counting rhymes 3. The songs for counting, and songs to memorize 4. The traditional childlike round dances
Bressarela dòu pescadou (Lullaby of the fisherman). Nissart lyrics and music by Louis Genari.
Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
Coucounou, contemporary cradlesong.
Nissart lyrics by Antonin Steve, known as Toni Baloni, music by La Belugada.
Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
Duèrme, bèu bambin (Sleep, beautiful little kid).
Traditional cradlesong from County of Nice, collected by J.C. Ranucci and A. Tosan, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
Nona, bressa (Bye-byes, rocks).
Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
Nona ! Nona ! (Bye-byes! Bye-byes!)
Nissart lyrics and music by Louis Genari.
Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
Som, som (Sleep, sleep).
Souòn, souòn (Sleep, sleep), cradlesong.
Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
Although not forming part of the musical inheritance of the County of Nice, the ending theme music of the TV program Bonne nuit, les petits (Good night, the children) presents yet a direct musical bond!
La Cadièra d’or (The Golden Chair), Cigareta, cigarò (Cigarette, cigar), Dalin, dalan, Fa-li petà la mouostra (Extract him his watch), counting rhymes.
Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
Gardera l’ae (Will keep the ass under guard), Jan Badola (John the Hump), Parmèla (Firefly), Lu pebroun sens’ oli (The red sweet peppers without oil), counting rhymes.
Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
Jouan Badola (John the Hump), contemporary counting rhyme. Nissart lyrics by Raoul Nathiez, music by Bernard Bessone.
Pinta Cùu, Testa pelada (Skin head), Tana Balana, Toni Baloni (Tony Baloni), Toni la levita (Tony the cassock), counting rhymes.
Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
Pairin... (Godfather...), saucy counting rhyme.
Songs for counting, and songs to memorize |
Ma maire vòu (My mother wants), song for counting.
Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
Paure de merlou miou ! (Poor blackbird me!) song to memorize.
Traditional song from Saint-Dalmas-de-Valdeblore, County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
Retorna-t’en ma mia (Go back my sweetheart).
Bella Sideina (Pretty Sidonie).
Traditional round dance from Thierry, County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
Carneval es mouòrt (Carnival is dead). A round dance irreverent towards His Majesty Carnival!
Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
Madama de Cagna (Mistress from Cagnes), traditional round dance of May.
Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
Tanta Jana (Aunt Jane), traditional round dance of May. This tune presents musical analogies with the farandole Carnaval es arrivat and with the popular song Lou Pichin Ome.
Traditional from County of Nice, MIDI scheduling by J.-G. Maurandi.
Legend (click icons, on the left side of tunes title, to access to corresponding files): | |  | “fife & drums” MIDI file (a)(b). | |  | “brass band” MIDI file (a)(b). | |  | “other instruments” MIDI file (a)(b). | | |  | score: PDF file (a)(b). | |  | lyrics. | | | | | You may download MIDI and scores files as a whole from the Download page. (a)Without any further observation, arrangements and harmonizations by J.-G. Maurandi. (b) These files and their content are © 2001-2025 Jean-Gabriel Maurandi. |
© 2001-2025 Jean-Gabriel Maurandi.
The musical traditions from County of Nice: Music introduction - Cross-over Popular songs - Animal songs - Racy lovesongs - Work songs Political, social and satirical songs - Contemporary songs Carnival tunes - Circumstance tunes - Close couple dances - Characters dances - Farandole - Feasts - Round dances of May Music for children Chimes & knells - Sacred & religious music - Christmas carols from County of Nice - Sanctuaries
Brief survey of the traditional musics from the South of France: The Occitany - Limoux’ carnival tunes The Piedmont - The Provence - Christmas carols from Provence
Other countries
